continue tradition



1·He'd made furniture in Italy and he'd passed this skill on to Luca's father, and well, Luca thought he'd like to continue the tradition.


2·Keeping family recipes is saving and honoring our tradition so that future generations can continue to make family ties stronger.


3·The myths that have grown up around the rites may continue as part of the group's oral tradition and may even come to be acted out under conditions divorced from these rites.


4·And so who would like to continue the tradition?


5·Thank you for inviting the World Bank here today to continue a decade-long tradition started in 2000 when the World Bank first supported the China Mining Congress in Urumqi.


6·Yet many Japanese, says Yamashita, want the emperor to continue the long tradition of leading Shinto rituals, encouraging age-old cultural practices, and inspiring the nation.


7·Even as modern society arrives in this ancient village through satellite dishes and mobile phones, the Pundirs say they want their age-old tradition to continue with their children.


8·Some continue this fine tradition with HTML e-mails, painfully preparing two versions of each document: plain text for older e-mail clients and HTML for newer ones.

有些人在 HTML 电子邮件时代还继续保持这个好的传统,不遗余力地为每份文档准备两种版本:为旧式电子邮件客户机提供纯文本,以及为新式客户机提供 HTML 版本。

9·The organization's mission is to continue the tradition of investigative journalism at a time where a lot of newspaper organizations have had to cut back on their newsroom operations.


10·In the meantime, and inspired by my happy memories, let's continue conquering the command line in the tradition of Schoolhouse Rock.
