1·At some point, therefore, it makes sense to conduct the associated transaction within a single legal entity rather than on a market.
2·Two duopoly firms with the perfect complementary patents may conduct three types of patent transaction, they are no patent licensing, cross licensing, patent pools licensing respectively.
3·Without the prior written consent of Party b, the Company shall not conduct any transaction which may materially affect the assets, obligations, rights or the operations of the Company.
4·A market participant who still does not sign the Master Agreement after the close of the transition period, shall not conduct any new transaction of financial derivatives.
5·A simple brochure-ware site will hope to make that customer feel the need to contact the company for further information, and ane-commerce enabled site might hope to conduct a transaction there.
6·Appearance of right refers to the rights's external manifestations, its essence lies in judging the effect of civil and commercial transaction matters by the appearance of conduct.
7·The paper firstly analysis the tax transaction process and put forward two main features, the asymmetric conduct and asymmetric information.
8·A company contemplating a takeover, merger or share repurchase should apprise itself of applicable company law requirements, if any, which may affect its ability to conduct the proposed transaction.
9·The listed company and their interested person inevitably conduct many connected transaction in the process of the assets reorganization and the business contacts.