1·Item bank and computer science technology makes up of theory of computer Assisted Test.
2·Objective To Spur the application of Computer assisted instruction method in medical imaging profession.
3·A general presentation of virtual endoscopy application to computer assisted surgery is given in this paper.
4·Net-Multimedia Computer Assisted Instruction(NMCAI) is an additional application of Computer Assisted Instruction(CAI).
网络多媒体辅助教学(N MCAI)是计算机辅助教学( CAI)的又一应用。
5·Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing, a market research term for a call center based on the use of a computerized database.
6·This paper presents the design and the characteristics of both hardware and software for the TP STD computer assisted dynamical characteristics test system of the relief valves.
本文主要介绍TP STD计算机辅助溢流阀动态特性测试系统的硬件,软件的设计及其特点。
7·Intelligent Computer Assisted Instruction (ICAI) is one of the application modes in CAI. It is based on the artificial intelligence science, cognitive science and thought science.
8·The person was assisted by a darkness device named Daikoku that took the form of a laptop computer.
9·The properties files are pure text files that can be opened with any text file editor, and they are in a standard format recognizable to most computer-assisted translation tools.
10·A decision was made early on to use only open-source software, but "computer-assisted design (CAD) tools are still the biggest weakness in open-source, " says Merz.