1·You get these plots by taking the wave function times its complex conjugate and operating on that.
2·The amplitude transmittance of one of them is assumod to be the same function as the coherent impulse response of the system, and that of the other being complex conjugate of the former.
3·The first term in the parenthesis is the DC term, and corresponds to the DC spectrum, and the second term in the parenthesis represents the location of the reflector and its complex conjugate.
4·Methods The antibody-targeted complex could be prepared by mixing SPA-PLL conjugate, oligodeoxy nucleotide and anti-CD44 antibody based on their optimal mass ratio.
5·This article was to offer necessary and sufficient condition and application of conjugate differentiable complex function in complex system.
6·This paper proves that residues at conjugate complex poles of rational fractional function with real coefficients are conjugate complex Numbers as well.
7·The copper ion antigen is a complex consisting of a chelating agent, a conjugate of a carrier protein and copper ions.