1·The dean of Ohio's Russ College of Engineering and Technology.
2·2 Nicole Casal Moore, University of Michigan News Service and College of Engineering.
2 Nicole Casal Moore,密歇根大学新闻服务和工程学院。
3·I graduated from College of Engineering Guindy, Chennai with a B.E. in Computer Science.
4·I graduated from College of Engineering Guindy, Chennai with a B. e. in Computer Science.
5·Such is the case with the University of Texas at San Antonio College of Engineering.
6·Even though I was in the college of engineering, I was able to pick up those extra classes and get the best of both worlds.
虽然我是软件工程系的,我还 是可以在保证不影响专业课的前提下去旁听那些对我有帮助的课程。
7·I left home only because I wanted to continue my study at the Provincial College of Engineering to which I was admitted.
8·I entered for a Tree Planting activity which was held by College of Engineering the other day. Today we've started eventually.
9·The agreement was made with Berkeley's College of Engineering, which has a reputation for training some of the world's most capable engineers and computer scientists.
10·The paper, which is based on "the MIS of college of engineering of XAC", takes research in the crucial skill and scheme of all processes in the development of MIS.