1·The recent definitions of coherence time and coherence length are introduced.
2·The strehl ratio of PCFT beam array with small coherence length and bigger beam order are less affected by turbulence.
3·Axial resolution in optical coherence tomography (OCT) imaging is determined by the coherence length of light source and the beam-focusing condition.
4·The influence of atmospheric turbulence on the relative beam width spreading is larger for PCFT beam array with larger beam order and smaller coherence length.
5·Atmospheric coherence length is one of important parameters of atmospheric turbulence, atmospheric propagation of laser and phase adjustment of adaptive optics.
6·Different shapes of intensity distribution can be gotten by changing the parameters of radius, location, transmittance of amplitude modulations and spatial position, and the coherence length.
7·The influence of the optical length, the output couple coefficient of the optical fiber ring cavity upon the STF and the coherence of the loss is also analyzed.