close fit



1·Note also the extremely close fit of the parts.


2·The Arthurian romances would seem a pretty close fit.


3·Highly close fit makes ceramic mantle and stainless steel sleeve firmly integrated.


4·Hopefully, among the various scenarios you'll recognize one as being a close fit with your infrastructure and your organizational needs.


5·Once you find a close fit, you start configuring this process (as depicted in Figure 7) by selecting or deselecting what we call "method packages."


6·That is, a call to dispatch (foo, bar) might be a close fit with a defined rule (foo, bar) — but it might also be a loose (rather than non -) fit with (FooParent, BarParent).

也就是说,dispatch (foo, bar)调用可能是采用已定义规则(foo, bar)的较合适的分派,但是也可能与(FooParent, BarParent)规则松散(并不是不)配合。

7·Of course, there is no one-to-one correspondence between the two phenomena? In human affairs there never is such a close fit? But there is nevertheless a strong and comprehensible correspondence.


8·Of course, there is no one-to-one correspondence between the two phenomena-in human affairs there never is such a close fit-but there is nevertheless a strong and comprehensible correspondence.


9·When it finally sat still out in the open for a brief period, I discovered that I was too close and I could not fit the entire squirrel in the camera’s viewfinder.

拍照者称,这只松鼠是她当时看到的松鼠一家中最肥的,等到它停下来,离得足够近可以拍了,却发现它肥得连取景框都装不下了。 这名游客只好后退,才把它全部拍下来:“最后它终于直视我了,我赶紧抓住机会按下快门。”

10·When it finally sat still out in the open for a brief period, I discovered that I was too close and I could not fit the entire squirrel in the camera's viewfinder.

拍照者称,这只松鼠是她当时看到的松鼠一家中最肥的,等到它停下来,离得足够近可以拍了,却发现它肥得连取景框都装不下了。 这名游客只好后退,才把它全部拍下来:“最后它终于直视我了,我赶紧抓住机会按下快门。”

更新时间:2025-03-25 06:51