checking circuit

校验电路;[电子] 检验电路


1·They found out what happened after checking footage from a closed-circuit televisioncamera they had installed at their house after their car was repeatedly bumped by other vehicles.

猫主人在自家安装的视频监控录像中发现了“虐猫大婶”的行径。 由于爱车屡次被其它车辆刮蹭,他们安装了监控系统。

2·Terminal checking the circuit and control dial protecting setting is normal or not.


3·Building the transition relation of sequential logic circuit is one of the key technologies for applying model checking method to verify the sequential logic circuit.


4·This paper gives a detailed analysis of the principle of the phase lock circuit, one of the most important parts of the QF1052B Standard Signal Generator and provides some methods of checking it.


5·The checking mechanism of out-triggers and upper swing, and their control circuit are introduced in the article. The control manner and precautions in operation are described also.


6·In this paper, a new method for checking the neutral circuit by using single phase load current is introduced. An analysis of this accident is presented.


7·We accomplished the full-chip static timing analysis of X microprocessor, and made a detailed analysis such as critical-path checking in the circuit.


8·The equivalent inductive circuit of switching converters for checking its inner-intrinsic safety is obtained by analyzing the most dangerous case in various operating mode.


9·This text introduces category and reason of electrical breakdown, deals with the methods of checking up the power supply, electric circuit and equipment and gives out some concrete countermeasures.


10·Model checking based formal verification is a technique of this kind, and has been successful used in practice to verify complex sequential circuit designs and communication protocols.


