1·The proliferation of cell lines were inhibited by aspirin.
2·They can be propagated into stable cell lines and cryopreserved.
3·You can make different cell lines and not be worried about where the gene went in.
4·On top of that, the Numbers and names of cell lines used to generate the data were not consistent.
5·Publicly funded work could continue on 60-or-so genetically diverse stem-cell lines, Mr Bush said.
6·On top of that, the Numbers and names of cell lines used to generate the data were not consistent.
7·Clearly, federal money cannot be used to create stem-cell lines if embryos are destroyed in the process.
8·Three cell lines were established from muscle, heart and swim bladder SHS of snakehead (Channa striatus.
9·Recently Dr Ajlouni and Ms Tow examined the antioxidant powder against standard laboratory cancer cell lines.
最近Dr Ajlouni和Ms Tow检测了抑制标准实验癌细胞系的抗氧化剂粉末。
10·Similar to immortal cells, the majority of breast cancer cell lines expressed low levels of COX-2 protein.
与这些细胞相似的是,COX - 2在绝大多数乳腺癌细胞系仅有很低程度的表达。