1·Regrettably, however, the report's failure to address the true nature of the crisis facing liberal education may cause more harm than good.
2·Fortunately, this year's drought appears unlikely to cause a food crisis, as global rice and wheat supplies retain plentiful.
3·This imbalance, whereby foreigners sell their goods to America in exchange for its assets, was one potential cause of the country's financial crisis.
4·One cause of the current food crisis is drought.
5·The immediate cause of the crisis, “the mother of all global housing bubbles”, was spotted by many economists.
6·"We know the cause of this crisis," says Bestman Nnwoka, who co-ordinates the amnesty in Rivers state.
7·The relentless pressure on rates raises a double danger. First, it could cause a banking crisis by hammering the value of bonds owned by lenders.
8·Nevertheless, the bailout did not cause the crisis of 2008.
9·In its monthly report the bank gave warning that the rising costs of energy and raw materials, coupled with the global credit crisis, would cause Japan's economy to slow.
10·All of which underlines the need for a solution to the root cause of the problem, Europe's sovereign-debt crisis.