1·I finished by saying, "This was even when it didn't cause a loss to the customer, and when my father caught the error before the transaction."
2·These two factors conspire to cause a loss of control.
3·As you'll see, conversations provide a means to prevent the short-term memory loss that is so common in Web applications and also a root cause of database abuse.
4·Make no sudden emotional changes to the schedule since this will likely cause a loss of valuable time.
5·The first sign of illness is a sudden loss of power which, if not rectified immediately, can cause the engine to self-destruct.
6·After the 1980 Super Bowl loss, there was a significant increase in both all-cause deaths and cardiac deaths in both men (15% increase) and women (27% increase) compared to the control years.
7·That combination will not only help your eyes directly, it will help you lose weight which is a primary factor of vision-loss and even believed to be a direct cause of floaters.
8·The damaged reefs were then covered by a single species of seaweed which threatened to suffocate the coral and cause further loss.
9·Any personal listening device out there has the potential to be used in a way that will cause hearing loss.
10·The loss of this data might cause the database to become overloaded, as the cache is no longer acting as a buffer for that subset of the data.