1·The mist weaves her net round the morning, captivates him, and makes him blind.
2·It is what provides the thrills and spills that ensure the unique race captivates like no other.
3·Conversely, equipment that does not measure well often captivates listeners accustomed to the sound of live acoustic performance.
4·She says she tries to create a fairly open space in which her audience can wander, choose what captivates, reject what isn't wanted.
5·India captivates Mr Jack because it preserves some vestiges of this dead civilisation in tropical aspic, “frozen in the Victorian economy of the lower Ganges”.
6·His philosophy of making products that are at the intersection of art and technology has created the Apple culture that captivates millions of people around the world.
7·Slip into this luminous Oriental fragrance that instantly captivates with Passion Flower, Vanilla and Vetiver notes. Let it empower you to be your most mesmerizing self.
8·Already firmly established as a top star in Asian music, what captivates him about this project is not the prospect of fame in the film world, but the chance to work with Ang Lee.