1·Many of the vehicles included a new digital camouflage pattern, such as a new IFV for the Chinese Marines covered with a blue digital camouflage.
2·The remaining 57, 000 plate carriers should be delivered in the current Universal Camouflage Pattern by February and will likely be issued to soldiers in Afghanistan, Fuller said.
3·Driven by both our passion for hunting and intense desire to develop the perfect camouflage pattern, we are devoted to testing, trying, experimenting and questioning everything we do.
4·The shell pattern ACTS like camouflage in its natural home range.
5·This caused no problems before 2002, when nearly every serviceman had a choice between a greenish camouflage uniform or a "coffee stain" desert pattern.
在2002年之前,这不是问题,因此那时每个军人只有两种选择- - -绿色迷彩服或者咖色沙漠迷彩。
6·With the fundamentals of the gray-level histogram and MATLAB package, the camouflage materials effectiveness assessment model and the painting pattern color design model are presented.
7·We created a unique, almost geometric camouflage look for each flavour in the range, with a sophisticated pattern developed by algorithm.
8·Some zoologists think that the giraffe's pattern is for camouflage.
9·Highland Winter camouflage: 5-colour (tan, light green, medium brown, dark brown and black) in a "Flecktarn" pattern based on the German 5-colour Flekctarn camouflage.