1·Megohm inspection method is to form an electric cable terminal at the online access, another access terminal on the motor casing, megohm shake table to observe the value of insulation resistance.
2·In turn, many proponents of "peak oil" theory, the idea that the global rate of oil production has entered a terminal decline, have insisted that the cable confirms their view on resource scarcity.
3·In modern electrometers, the preamplifier output terminal is such a point, and can be used to reduce the effect of cable leakage, as shown in Figure 2-5.
在现代的静电计中,前置放大器输出端就是这样的一个节点,并可以用来降低电缆泄漏的影响,如图2 - 5所示。
4·The main facts we should consider are the trouble caused by the communication cable, communication power, t type branch or the terminal resistor problem in the application of site bus technology.
5·In this paper, a unified formulation to determine the terminal currents of an arbitrarily bended cable excited by a plane wave at any polarization angle is presented.
6·The striking cable-net glass facade also allows these well-wishes, who must remain outside of the terminal due to Indian aviation regulations, to watch as their loves ones begin their journeys.
7·Connect the terminals on the control cabinet with those of the electric actuator by the cable as perelectric schematic diagram and terminal wiring diagram of control cabinet.
对照控制箱电气原理图、端子接线图,用电缆按对应的线号把控制箱和电动装置的端子连接起来。 。
8·The paper introduces the integrated digital video data broadcasting system based on the cable network. We discuss the structure of headend system and the implementation of terminal equipment.
9·Connect the PC's network card to the hub using a standard Ethernet cable, and connect the hub, again using a standard Ethernet cable, to the Bus Terminal controller.
10·Explosion-proof flexible connecting pipes is used in explosion-proof telephone station, explosion-proof terminal, explosion-proof loud-speaker inlet or outlet to conduit and protect the cable.