1·Another early build of Windows 7! Old one here.
另外一个Windows 7的早期版本!旧版本在这里。
2·You can also found feature available only to the nightly build of WebKit.
3·To verify that your build of PHP is installed, click the phpinfo link at left.
4·The run method has been rewritten to simply request a full build of the project.
5·We are delighted to release the first build of Opera with geolocation support.
6·The code has been tested on both SuSE Linux 8.2 and a recent build of NetBSD-current.
所有代码都在SuSE Linux 8.2上和NetBSD - current的最新构建上测试通过。
7·Now that we have a solid, polished build of the game, we are ready to give it a try.
8·You've now completed the initial build of the flow you're going to use — it's time to test!
9·Section C is a progressive build of infrastructure elements in place at various points in time.
部分 C 是在各个时间点的基础架构元素的逐渐构建。
10·This is probably a bug, either with the build of Chrome used for this test or with the test code.
这可能是一个 bug,问题或是出在用于此次测试的 Chrome 的构建,或是出在检测代码。