build facility



1·You can import large amounts of data, send reams of E-mail, encode video files, mine data, and build a central log facility - all without affecting the experience and responsiveness of your site.


2·Only in 2014 will nuclear authorities be filing an application to build a storage facility near the Bure underground laboratory in eastern France.


3·At the end of the year SKB will file a formal application to build an underground storage facility and in 2025 it will launch the transfer of waste fuel currently cooling in ponds at Oskarshamn.


4·Sighs of relief, then, on February 15th, when the Gateway storage Company announced that it had been awarded a licence to build the first big new gas-storage facility in many years.


5·With earmarked funds secured by Texas senator Kay Bailey Hutchison, Green Freedom has plans to build a demonstration facility at a nuclear power plant set for construction in West Texas.

相关的专用基金得到了德州参议员凯•贝利·哈奇森(Kay Bailey Hutchison)的支持。“绿色自由”已经计划在一家核能工厂内开发一台演示设备,用于德州西部地区建设。

6·Later this year, it will build an advanced facility in which trash will enter decay and produce methane in days, instead of lying underground for years to wait for the process to happen naturally.


7·But the Chinese facility will take years to build, and the party buzz subsided pretty quickly.


8·No other equipment maker offers anything quite like this, and Huawei has vowed to build a similar facility in Virginia.


9·First, anyone who wants to build a nuclear facility must get the state utility regulator to verify the need up to a decade ahead of when the plant may be needed.


10·s next move is to build a small manufacturing facility in Massachusetts.


更新时间:2025-03-24 16:24