1·Brazil nut is an excellent food for skin health.
2·At present, the Brazil nut area of 10000 acres planted.
3·It is the only animal capable of opening the mature Brazil nut pods.
4·Indeed, you can get your daily dose of selenium in just one Brazil nut.
5·The nuts that are forgotten may grow into another massive Brazil nut tree!
被a gouti遗忘的坚果可能会变成另一棵庞大的巴西坚果树!
6·The Brazil nut has a high lipid (ca. 60%) and protein (ca. 15%) content. The calcium content is ca. 0.2%.
7·Recently, scientists discovered a species of frog specialized only for breeding inside empty Brazil nut pods.
8·Selenium can be low if the food is grown in selenium deficient soil, so a Brazil nut a day provides a useful insurance policy.
9·Several years ago, a company developed a soybean with some genetic threads borrowed from the Brazil nut in an attempt to boost the bean's amino-acid content.
10·This experiment can serve as a simple model to reveal the Brazil-nut effect in the size segregation of granular matter.
概述了颗粒物质领域中粮仓现象和巴西坚果效应两个典型现象及其解释理论 ,分析其理论的成功和不足之处 ,并给出了一些看法 。