1·Especially if you come from the bottom of the heap to try to climb that steep hill.
2·Then, marked objects are copied such that all the live objects are compacted at the bottom of the heap.
3·It is the Darwinian failure of being at the bottom of the heap that is truly stressful and bad for the health.
4·So too with obesity, which causes diseases such as diabetes: it is increasing fastest among those at the bottom of the heap.
5·Long-lived objects tend to accumulate at the bottom of the heap, so they are not copied repeatedly as they are in a copying collector.
6·Women became the institution’s focus because they are bottom of the heap and most in need of help: 70% of the children in BRAC schools are girls.
7·These reasons cause not merely the tragedy of Margaret herself, but, additionally, the disaster of those female at the same history age as Margaret at the bottom of the heap.
8·These workers are at the bottom of the economic heap.
—— 《牛津词典》
9·Rediscovered from the bottom of that dirt-laden heap, it was able to see the light, still in good state. It was such a relief!
10·At the bottom of the education heap, too, men are less likely to have wives who earn a lot.