1·The organic fertilizer is made of blue green algae and tobacco residue.
2·Apply thin layer, leave on for 10-15 minutes, then rinse thoroughly. Follow with Blue Green Algae Facial Toner.
涂于脸部,保留10 - 15分钟,然后用水彻底清洗干净;可结合蓝绿海藻爽肤水使用。
3·At present, an increase in the water inflow rather than 50% cuts of the nutrient loads could be more practical to reduce the biomass of blue green algae in the lake.
4·Few species, low biomass and lack of blue green algae, Gastropoda, Lamellibranchia and Crustacea are most notable characteristics distinguished from general neutral and alkaline lakes.
5·The organism is a cyanobacterium, also known as blue-green algae, although it is technically not an algae.
6·Researchers monitoring the spread of the blue-green algae said such blooms had spread over the Baltic sea each summer for decades.
7·As well threatening certain species, blue-green algae can also pose a risk to human health, and officials are advising people not to bathe in areas where the algae is visible.
8·Plants and cyanobacteria (also called blue-green algae), she says, “have evolved highly organized photosynthetic systems for the efficient oxidation of water.”
9·Then around 3.7 billion years ago, early forms of blue-green algae began to use sunlight to make food.
后来,约3.7亿年前,早期的蓝绿藻(Blue - green algae)开始通过阳光来制造食物。
10·Terra's ASTER sensor captured this view of filaments of blue-green algae swirling across Guatemala's Lake Atitlán on November 22, 2009.