1·The system uses the simplest axial-flow sleeve as flow control valve to blank off, isolate and select reservoir. The system adopts all-hydraulic operation.
2·Blank lines improve readability by setting off sections of code that are logically related.
3·A tip-off led to the basement of a house recently vacated by Mr Rodenstock and the discovery of piles of blank labels, corks and other counterfeiter's paraphernalia.
4·My mind sometimes goes blank when I'm asked a question or caught off guard.
5·Blank space on a design can later always be used to offer advertising space if your site kicks off big time.
6·The unsmiling waiter gave me a blank look, so I strode off inside to search for it myself.
7·And then you get that sort of lyrical moment of interpretation: "he had the feeling that everything he saw was a broken-off piece of some giant blank thing he had forgotten had happened to him."
8·For most people, a completely blank SLATE is a difficult starting point. It's so much easier to begin where someone has already left off.
9·When adding a new training schedule it is no longer blank, but based off of the general schedule.
10·Click on the direction of the right start button, right - click to accelerate continuous, judging by the blank key opportunity to take off.