1·The company's shipping manager is proposing that customer orders be packed with newer, more expensive packing materials that virtually eliminate damage during shipping.
2·Product is to be packed with enough room as not to be squashed.
3·Popular cold-weather beverages also can be packed with calories, fat and sugar.
4·There are no extra calories to spare, so every bite of food needs to be packed with nutrition.
5·And the skin is not the only healthy bit we discard —stalks and cores can also be packed with nutrients.
6·The Hygiene Council also warns it can be packed with bacteria such as e. coli from clothing, towels and linens.
7·When they open in early 2018, the spheres will be packed with a plant collection worthy of top-notch conservatories.
8·The actual game scenes will be packed with intensive actions. Players must move constantly and use skills strategically.
9·While the re-imagined BSG may not be packed with cool techie tools (the bad guys don't even have laser guns for frak's sake!
10·Because this doubling of the number of transistors led to computer chips that could be packed with increasingly sophisticated circuitry that was both energy efficient and cheap.