1·Chinese customs began NAT on inbound arrivals at all points of entry.
2·This means that the temperature and pressure are the same at all points .
3·The client function must meticulously insert a call to XyzRelease at all points of exit from a function.
4·Even the spiritual vision, is it not at all points arrested by the continuous golden walls of the universe?
5·The concentric design allows the distance between the impeller and the housing to be the same at all points.
6·In the trial for murder, the lawyer sought to confuse the principal witness, but she was armed at all points.
7·Don't assume that just because a signal is present at one end of a trace it is present at all points along the trace.
8·At all points in between, the message is protected, either for integrity (using hashing) or for privacy (using encryption).
9·Access controls must include the positive identification of all employees, visitors, and vendors at all points of entry.
10·In factories that are designed on the principles of mass production, stopping an assembly line to correct a problem at any one point stops work at all points.
在依据批量生产设计的工厂里, 一旦因纠正一个错误而停止组装线就意味着停止全部的工作.