1·Asian values or good policy?
2·True, there are backlashes in Asia against Westernization, and some try to promote so-called Asian values, such as the “harmony principle.”
3·Today's Japan is totally different from the Japan of five decades ago, particularly in social attitudes, which have strayed from traditional Asian values.
4·China is ready to strengthen inter-civilization dialogue with South Asian countries, an important part of such dialogue across Asia, so as to jointly promote the wisdom of the East and Asian values.
5·"The values of the imperial family are not part of the equation," says Jeffrey Kingston, director of Asian Studies for Temple University's Japan campus.
6·And yet even the stern intendant of traditional academic values couldn't quite bring himself to endorse the hard-ass Asian mothering style.
7·Asian culture teaches the values of harmony and stability, while in western society, finding new and better ways of doing things is highly valued and change is the norm.
8·In other words, there is a widespread belief that success for Asian societies is dependent on their adoption of western values and institutions.
9·Many researches also believe there is something in Asian culture that breeds success, such as ideas that stress family values and emphasize education.
10·Asian societies must abandon outmoded Confucian values of the past if they are to survive, and stop stigmatizing having children out of wedlock because the traditional family is dying.