1·They got 27% of the vote as against 32% at the last election.
—— 《牛津词典》
2·What about CCTV in classrooms, as against corridors and playgrounds?
3·The PDP evaluates the request as against the policy and returns the response.
PD P针对策略评估请求,并返回响应。
4·Such a person is leading a meaningful life, as against the immoral person.
5·It seems as if we were barracking for home team as against the visiting team.
6·Hair insulates animals against the sun by day as well as against the cold by night.
7·Just one or two ships a week leave for Cuba, as against six or seven in the pre-Castro days.
每周仅1 - 2艘船驶往古巴,而卡斯特罗上台之前,每周有6 - 7船。
8·This year this shop has sold two hundred and twenty-five times as many bicycles as against 1949.
9·The relationship to marriage isn't analyzed and I wanted to separate the two as against Bush who was uniting them.
10·So what I don't get is why aren't people who are against using embryonic stem cells in research just as against using iPSCs?