1·Suddenly he felt someone grab his arm.
2·With your opposite arm, grab the bottom of your chair and pull up while your head still hangs-you'll feel the stretch in the exposed side of your neck-hold for 30 seconds.
3·Grab his arm during the scary part.
4·Crunch 'n 'munch EATR will grab plants with its robotic arm, chop them with a mini chainsaw, and burn them in its onboard steam combustion engine to make power. Francis Govers iii.
5·He'd reach an arm out while he rolled, and grab one of us to tickle, laughing while he did it.
6·Or if you're side-by-side, put a hand on his arm when you reach to grab a slice of bread.
7·Rse's derivatives arm, Eurex, and more recently Euronext's LIFFE exchange-have been trying to grab a bigger share of American securities trading.
8·If the robot swings a sharp kitchen knife, for example, too close to the human playing customer at the checkout, a researcher could grab Baxter's arm and guide it in the right direction.
9·Cang Li man felt so hurt that he had to stretch his arm to the next table and grab the man's hair, who's sitting at the table and drinking his soup.
10·Living octopuses will sometimes grab an amputated arm, and they appear to be more likely to do so when that arm was not formerly their own.