area of infection

[经] 受影响区
[经] 受影响区,受影响面


1·And because the torch can be directed at a specific, small area of infection, surrounding tissue is left unharmed.


2·Results General flavone of Mukdenia rossii(Oliv )Koidz can reduce the area of infection and can also reduce the change of S-T section.

结果槭酮对缺血大鼠心肌梗死面积有缩小作用,并可一定程度减轻缺血后心电图S T段的变化。

3·The Ministry of Health in Pakistan has informed WHO of 8 suspected human cases of H5N1 avian influenza infection in the Peshawar area of the country.


4·At present, an additional two people, showing symptoms suggestive of H5N1 infection, have been hospitalized for treatment in the Sulaimaniyah area.


5·They also sampled tissue from deer killed by hunters in the same area, to get an idea of the infection rate in the general population.


6·Objective: To know the infection state of TTV and the relationship between other viral liver diseases in Hebei area.


7·Objective To explore the status of natural infection with Legionella Pneumophila and its transmission seasonality in population of Wuhu railway area.


8·Objective: To investigate the frequency of transfusion-transmitted virus(TTV) infection in healthy blood donors in Hangzhou area and the mutation of TTV genomic fragment.


9·Objective To study Enterobius Vermicularis infection status of the children in Huainan area and in order to provide scientific evidence for controlling enterobiasis.


10·CONCLUSION: in schistosomiasis endemic area of mountainous type, oral Art exhibited a promising preventive effect on both reducing infection rate and controlling acute schistosomiasis.




更新时间:2025-03-07 07:56