1·Scientists fear that the shifting Arctic climate could threaten the species' survival.
2·A look at Arctic climate changes over the past 5 million years shows it always amplifies global temperatures.
3·As the Arctic climate changes and the ice slowly disappears, polar bears face an increasingly uncertain future.
4·In other words, even as Arctic climate continues to warm over the long-term, there won't be a new record low ice extent each year.
5·These strange deaths, the team reports, can be contributed to the new challenges created by a changing Arctic climate. Mallory commented that a.
6·We can run a fully coupled model for the past and present and see what our model will predict for the future in terms of the sea ice and the Arctic climate.
7·The threat posed by climate change in the Arctic is one of the problems faced by Canada's Inuit people.
8·With so much at stake, the Inuit are determined to play a key role in teasing out the mysteries of climate change in the Arctic.
9·The Arctic sea ice holds a central position in the Earth's climate system and it's deteriorating faster than expected.
10·This is troubling as climbing arctic temperatures combined with rapid sea ice loss are creating a new type of climate feedback loop which could accelerate Arctic warming.