1·I'm not apposed. I 'm glad for you.
2·This is a book about business practice as apposed to theory .
3·But my general sense is, in our lab, we ask that IVUS is performed post-intervention to guide how well the stent is apposed.
4·Benign vascular hamartoma with masses of closely apposed immature blood vessels (" caverns "), intralesional hemorrhages, no neural tissue.
5·Yesterday's G7 communique made it pretty clear that market intervention would now be done in a joint effort as apposed to the usual unilateral attempts at market correction.
6·Therefore, one of the changes DB2 users and DBAs will see when they use an OS command to look at the processes running on the system is that they will see only one process as apposed to several.
7·The bills of lading and carriage contract which proved by voyage charter party are apposed and can be adjusted by the same Maritime Code, therefore the inherent unification of both has legal basis.