1·Advance package models include further noise reduction using a thicker carpet base layer and front fender liners.
2·The SLATE will have Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and front-and-rear facing cameras.
支持Wi - Fi,蓝牙,前后均配有摄像头。
3·The back-end WSDL file is shown in Listing 2, and front-end in Listing 3.
后端 WSDL 文件显示在 清单 2中,前端文件显示在 清单 3中。
4·To change logging levels on the fly, you need a support class and front it with a REST service.
5·AMFPHP (Remoting solution for PHP) handles the communications between back - and front-ends.
AMFPHP (PHP远程解决方案)处理后台和前台之间的通信。
6·Even though the books caution otherwise your baby will survive without a bouncy seat swing and front carrier.
7·Even though the books caution otherwise, your baby will survive without a bouncy seat, swing and front carrier.
8·I have to struggle to keep a path clear between bed and toilet, toilet and kitchen table, table and front door.
9·Transparent transition to static execution from the perspective of application developers and front-end applications.
10·Working groups cover visual design, simplicity, and front-end code to help ensure Facebook designs remain consistent.