1·The measure of the net cost of a tariff depends critically on the estimate of the amount of imports it discourages.
2·This year the increase in China's net exports (ie, less imports) is likely to account for about one quarter of its growth—a record amount.
3·The large amount of Chinese imports have created a large selection of goods in other countries as people begin to buy more and more products made in China.
4·These initiatives together hope to reduce the amount of oil the U.S. imports.
5·That optimal currency price will also result in the country exporting about the same amount as it imports; the balance of payments will tend towards zero.
6·Imports will be expanded by a suitable amount, particularly imports of advanced technology, key equipment and resources that China lacks.
7·A cheaper currency should, in principle, boost exports and curb imports, narrow the current-account deficit and so reduce the amount of fresh borrowing needed from abroad.
8·The annual cumulative amount of the aforementioned imports shall not exceed the amount of paid-in registered capital of the company.
9·Winter is also supply demand off-season off-season, now domestic ore amount of don't come, the ore imports also cut, there are no serious scalping behavior.
10·If, for instance, increasing foreign competitiveness lowers the world price of imports, a quota will simply hasten the reduction in the total amount spent on imports.