1·Chapter One reviews the history of Amicus Curiae.
2·The Amicus Curiae originated from Roman law, and it supported the court as a neutral party at that time.
3·The prevalence of amicus curiae in U. s. provides a lawful approach for psychologists to directly intervene with specific lawsuits.
4·The experience of the United States influenced the WTO dispute settlement system when the issue of the Amicus Curiae briefs is concerning.
5·The contribution of EC focuses on panel establishment, implementation of recommendations and rulings, compensation and the suspension of concessions, regulation of amicus curiae and so on.
欧共体把谈判的重点放在了专家组的组成、建议与裁决的执行、 补偿与中止减让、法庭之友制度等方面。
6·Amicus curiae greatly expand the abilities of the judges who find the real case, while the system with a specific combination of evidence system may prevent the discovery of the case fact.