1·Aesthetic appearance, balance operation, easy to the Angle of shaking-heed can be adjusted. The vane is made of high-intensity AI-alloy use.
2·Aesthetic appearance, balance operation, easy to the Angle of shaking-heed can be adjusted. The vane is made of high-intensity AI-alloy use. Cable wiring.
产品特点Features型号含义Model implication外形美观、运行平衡、使用方便。风叶采用高强度铝合金制成。摇头角度可调。电缆布线。
3·In Alloy 1.0, the leave, trip, and reporting scenarios are supported and ready to use without modification, and extensibility is provided through support of workflow decision management.
在Alloy 1.0中,请假、差旅和报告场景都受支持,并且无需定制便可直接使用,通过工作流决策管理的支持,还可以对这些场景进行扩展。
4·They are not provided as ready to use without modification in Alloy, but you can use the extensible generic workflow of Alloy to map these as applications.
5·Proof, though, will come with use. Testing is already under way, with the nanocrystalline nickel-tungsten alloy being tried out as a plating on the bumpers of a fleet of trucks.
6·Use reducer special for plastic extruder with alloy hard - toothed surface.
7·Use special calcium lead tin alloy plate grid, more resistant to corrosion, charging accept ability is better.
8·And then, by going with this open frame, we use invar [a nickel-iron alloy], one of the most thermally stable materials on the planet.
9·Most solar heating systems use large aluminum or alloy sheets, painted black to absorb the sun's heat.
10·The use of high-strength alloy steel parts is economical because it reduces weight, thereby allowing for more efficient aerodynamic surfaces and providing the potential for increased payload and fuel.