1·We encourage you to experiment and adapt our Suggestions to your own preferred style of play.
2·Also, those who wish to adapt books or short stories to a stage play will be able to use public domain books without paying a fee.
3·In my opinion you must understand the way they play and you must adapt to their way of play.
4·He told France Football: 'to play in England, he has the physical means to stand any kind of pressure and marking. I am convinced he would not need a very long time to adapt.
5·Depending on which faction your opponent is, you will have to adapt your play style and know how to counter your opponent's play style.
6·Flamini had more problems to adapt than Beckham, because at Arsenal he was used to play differently on the pitch, more central, whereas here he plays on the side.
7·Mostly, however, I see an increased awareness of the role that data can play in helping you learn and adapt quickly.
8·The most successful teams were flexible and able to adapt their style of play to the match situation.
9·As far as I know, he is going to adapt his novel for TV play.
10·Since we all have a unique play style its important to adapt the strategy to your preferences and with the knowledge of how the game has progressed so far.