1·By using the gray association degree classification analysis theory, datas to achieve objective synthetical evaluation on fabric comfort are dealed with.
2·The trick is not only to specify just one or even two dimensions of the objective, but also to understand how to help people better achieve the objective.
3·The following example shows the setup and how to achieve the objective of this article.
4·To achieve this objective with a custom pattern, you must create a new script package that will be part of the pattern.
5·Another objective was to achieve loose coupling among components.
6·Another objective, which is only slightly less important, is to show you the simple, everyday steps you can take to achieve this control and, thus, your financial goals.
7·You see the descriptions we give the the word "goal" implies your objective will be difficult to achieve.
8·Notice that each objective begins with a verb (e.g., “Achieve, ” “Finalize, ” “Complete, ” etc.).
9·The objective is to be able to design a product that covers all or part of the modeled business process, and helps the intended Users achieve their identified goals with the best possible experience.
10·The objective of this contract is to provide a robust infrastructure that is fundamental to achieve the USFK mission and objectives and to allow for Network Centric Operations.