1·The author have persuaded readers to accept his argument.
2·To persuade those who do not accept the libertarian argument for legalisation, supporters have emphasised two other lines of reasoning.
3·Until we understand what he meant, we have no reason to either accept or reject his argument.
4·You reply, "I won't accept your argument, because you used to smoke when you were my age."
5·Of course, if you accept that quote as the basis for any argument, it's just as hard to map the progress of and towards the singularity as it is to deny that it will happen.
6·Still, accept for the sake of argument that the Republican front-runner is correct when he says that God did not create America to be just “one of several equally balanced global powers”.
7·And then take you through the argument but off course if you still don't accept the premise then really you'll never accept the conclusion of my argument are you?
8·It is highly likely that you will need to pass arguments to the server-side functions you create, so let's see how you would adapt one of the functions to accept and use an argument.
9·So that's a valid argument. Accept it?
10·Static methods that merely accept an argument or two, perform a calculation, and return a value based on nothing but those arguments are ideal.