academic Dean



1·This paper introduces the work scope and features of academic dean, and probes into how to do well the networking of working model of academic dean.


2·"We couldn't teach classes without professional models," said Duncan Webb, the academic dean at the American Academy of art in Chicago and an artist himself.

“没有这些专业的模特,我们这课就没发儿上了,”美国艺术学院芝加哥分校的系主任Duncan Webb说,他本身也是个艺术家呢。

3·Oblinger has a PhD in cytogenetics, has been a faculty member, an academic dean, then fell in love, she says, with PCs, eventually joining IBM for a dozen years, before returning to education.


4·Robert Clagett, dean of admissions at Middlebury, did some number-crunching a few years ago and found that a single gap semester was the strongest predictor of academic success at his school.


5·The Faculty Council and the Dean conduct the institution's academic and administrative management.


6·This impression was reinforced further in March when the dean of Durham University's business school in the UK, Tony Antoniou, was fired for having plagiarised academic work 20 years earlier.

这种印象在3月份得到了进一步的加深:当时,杜伦大学(Durham University)商学院院长托尼•安东尼奥(Tony Antoniou)由于20年前的一宗学术剽窃案而被开除。

7·NUBS is now globally searching for the dean who has international vision and leadership with high academic achievements in either economics or management.


8·Qing Shen is Professor of Urban Studies and Planning and Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation at the University of Maryland.



更新时间:2025-03-25 15:40