1·Much of the solid advice society imparts to people who want to lose weight is best suited, intentionally or not, for well-off Americans.
2·In the present society, some people have tried every means to get financially well off, but they are spiritually poor.
3·Think about the future is mixed with a casual work and then had the day mundane living a well-off society in general people's life, this life is that you want?
4·Building a well -off society in an all-round way needs to cultivate not only millions of specialized talents and a good number of innovative talents but also billions of high -quality workers.
5·Where those who come out on top, in terms of income and wealth are taxed in a way that benefits the least well off members of society.
6·The rural grass roots of CCP are the executor and organizer of the rural policy of CCP, and also the backbone solidifying the farmers to build up the well-off society.
7·We stive to make money, buy a house , well-off a society.