1·The Venusian atmosphere is too thick.
2·"Good-by, Earthman," said the Venusian, walking on past.
3·Only now Earth is never going to have another Venusian visit us.
4·Astronomers have found the hydroxyl radical in the Venusian atmosphere.
5·For the first time Venusian scientists managed to land a satellite on the plant Earth.
6·For the first time Venusian scientists managed to land a satellite on the planet Earth.
7·It was only possible to detect the length of the Venusian day by radar as the clouds entirely engulf the surface.
8·If he were a Venusian, he would know what to say, but he is not. Men really don't know how to respond to a woman's feelings.
9·The satellite landed on the planet of Venus by Venusian Scientists has been sending back signals as well as photographs ever since.
被研究 金星 的科学家们发射到 金星 的卫星,自从在 金星着陆以来一直在往回发送信号和照片。
10·Perhaps revealingly, she says that when she recounted her Venusian encounter to her first husband, he suggested it had probably been a dream.