Timor sea



1·East Timor hopes to earn lots of money from oil found under the Timor Sea.


2·Economic progress has been slow. East Timor hopes to earn lots of money from oil found under the Timor Sea.


3·An oil well at the centre of a massive spill in the Timor Sea off the north-west coast of Australia is on fire.


4·An oil well at the centre of a massive spill in the Timor Sea off the north - west coast of Australia is on fire.


5·Darwin: a city of northern Australia on Port Darwin, an inlet of the Timor Sea. It was founded as Palmerston in 1869 and renamed in 1911.


6·Since August 21 when there was an accident at the Montara offshore drilling rig's well head, around 403, 000 litres of oil have been pumped into the Timor Sea.


7·But oil spills of the sort that now threaten the Timor Sea, forest fires like those that recently afflicted Greece, and other man-made and man-assisted threats to wildlife are transient.


8·Timor Leste had joined many international sport events, such as the 22nd SEA Games held in Vietnam in 2003 and the 2003 ASEAN Paralympics Games which was also held in Vietnam.


9·A consortium set up by Portugal's Galp Energia and Brazil's petrobras, announced it will bid for the exploration of one deep water bloc in the sea off East Timor.

由葡萄牙石油和天然气公司(Galp Energia)和巴西石油公司(petrobras)组成的联盟宣布,他们将投标勘探东帝汶的一个深水油井。

更新时间:2025-03-18 18:31