1·Check the water within the humidifier, and keep it in the control scale range.
2·The company's salary scale range from 5, 000 for a trainee to 50, 000 for the managing director.
3·This wide working scale range is a characteristic of chemical engineering compared with the other engineering disciplines.
4·In order to improve the accuracy of test results from pulsimeter, how to select a proper scale range in the pulsimeter is illustrated.
5·The maximum error between the integral results of the gated integrator and of oscilloscope is less than 5% of the scale range of the gated integrator.
6·Results As scale range meaning from consciousness to deep coma and to brain death, CSI 0- 100 was positively correlated with coma depth, coma score of GCS and physical reflection.
结果CSI 0~100是从清醒到深昏迷、脑死亡一个连续不断的刻度范围,与患者昏迷深度确切相关,与GCS、体征反射相应消涨;
7·The inital-scale ranges from 0 to 10 and supports fractional values. You can also pass in explicit width and height values (showin in Listing 10) that can range up to 10,000 pixels
inital-scale 的范围为 0 到 10,且支持分数值。
8·Experiments indicate that the fractal scale, together with the fractal dimension can effectively reflect the fractal scale range of natural textures and the texture roughness within the scale range.
9·Furthermore, they say, it is the best way for researchers to gather the range of observations that are necessary to speed up discoveries or to identify large-scale trends.
10·The scale and range of some recent dust storms has surprised scientists.