1·Residua of Temik in orange were detected by gas chromatography.
2·So the techniques of short contact time and quick speed oil gas separation in residua catalytic cracking should be taken.
3·The main impurity components of Ginkgo Biloba leaves extracts were ginkgo acid, macro porous resin residua and solvent residua.
4·Residua hydrotreating (RHT) has received considerable attention with the increasing tension and inferior quality of oil resources.
5·The main properties of naphtha, diesel fuel fractions, catalytic cracking feed stock and residua from these crudes are also listed.
6·A new process for producing roofing asphalt from petroleum residua by steam cracking and condensation has been studied in the laboratory.
7·The second involves all the dried plant residua in the sun, and then are sent to a precious metal extracting factory for special treatment.
8·It is a disputed question for forming and evolution of red residua on the surface of carbonate rocks, particular for their material sources.
9·Objective: To compare the clinical effect of Zhenganxifeng Decoction (ZGXFD) and western medicine alone in treating residua of exteral ear zoster .
10·For these years, residua of metanephric blastema and delay of differentiation in the development of kidney have been considered the cause of nephroblastoma.