1·Scientists call the interaction of light with phonons the Raman effect.
2·“The Raman effect is part of the innate quality of matter—like DNA, ” he told me.
3·The random atomic arrangement in the amorphous glass of optical fibers keeps the Raman effect small.
4·In particular, they focused on the Raman effect, a process in which the wavelength of light lengthens after it scatters off atomic vibrations.
5·While silicon's properties are not suitable for traditional laser generation, Intel was able to use the Raman effect to create a laser in silicon.
6·UV Raman spectroscopy has drawn extensive attention for its high sensitivity, avoiding of fluorescence interference and the UV resonance Raman effect.
7·The report also pointed out that while C.V.Raman won the Nobel Prize eighty years ago for the Raman Effect, most of the instruments available in India today using this principle are imported.
8·The report also pointed out that while C. V. Raman won the Nobel Prize eighty years ago for the Raman Effect, most of the instruments available in India today using this principle are imported.
9·The backscattering effect of optical fiber has been applied to fiber Raman amplifier and distributed optical fiber Raman temperature sensors system.
10·The Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) effect from Calcium lactate (CL)on Ag mirror is studied in this paper.