1·TheExport File dialog box allows you to save the current or selected macro file to a specified location.
2·With the help of macro file compiled in APDL under FEM software ANSYS, two example of bridge is analysed and the result is compared with the data obtained by the program analysis.
3·Finally, the macro file scanning, compared with the keyboard&mouse event capture and the application software's event notification is justified as the means for capturing design users' behaviors.
4·Then, it stores a reference to the unit's file in the PDOM, along with references to the included directives and macro definitions.
5·With the HATS macro configuration file, you can provide programmed navigation through multiple host screens.
6·A configuration file (called a HATS macro) defines the data that is required from the screens of the host application.
7·You don't need to understand it, but just know that this small file, after being run through the M4 macro processor, generates over 1,000 lines of configuration.
8·The inclusion of iostream and the definition of the EXPORT_API macro can be considered code-invariant parts of the file throughout the scope of the project.
9·For example, Listing 4 is the M4 macro version of a typical sendmail configuration file.
10·The XyzLibrary project uses the APIENTRY macro, which is defined as __stdcall in the "WinDef.h" header file.