1·Total lorentz force does not work, but its component may do so.
2·Zoom out and space and time play equal parts, in line with Lorentz symmetry.
3·There is no need to Lorentz transformations to describe the theory of relativity.
4·We shall discuss several of them below with the help of the Lorentz transformation.
5·In any relativistic theory this difficulty occurs, even in the old classical theory of Lorentz.
6·Using Lorentz alterrnate, this paper bears out force of motion electric charge acting on static charge.
7·It has been pointed out that Lorentz contraction is not a kind of visual effect but a measurement effect.
8·Finally, Lorentz chaotic system is taken as an example to demonstrate the validity of the proposed controller.
9·Then the magnetic field gradient of these magnetic field profiles was obtained quantitatively using Lorentz fit.
10·The phenomena of relativity in two mutually rotating coordinates are discussed by using the rotating Lorentz transformation.
1·On the basis of Lorentz transformation, correction must be made on visual effect in two aspects, because the value of the light velocity is finite.
2·The two important characteristics of Lorentz transformation are discussed from the viewpoints of mathematics and physics, which are the time space symmetry and the time space relativity.
本文从数学和物理学的角度分析、讨论了洛伦兹变换的两个重要性质,即“时空对称性”和“时空相对性” 。
3·This paper shows that dyadic theory is a brief and strict method to prove the invariance of the electrodynamics under Lorentz transformation.
4·We can describe quantities of electric magnetic field in different inertia system, and use Lorentz transformations to educe the transformations between them.
5·There is no need to Lorentz transformations to describe the theory of relativity.
1·The original manuscript of a paper Albert Einstein published in 1925 has been found in the archives of Leiden University's Lorentz Institute for Theoretical Physics, scholars said Saturday.
2·It has been pointed out that Lorentz contraction is not a kind of visual effect but a measurement effect.
3·Using Lorentz alterrnate, this paper bears out force of motion electric charge acting on static charge.
4·It is to pass the deviate degree of the Lorentz curve with famous computation and absolutely and mean line to come magnanimity distributive is not equal of degree.
5·Maxwell equations: Lorentz force, plane electromagnetic waves, radiation, light waves, reflexion, refraction, Huyghens principle, diffraction, interference phenomena.