1·Ketamine in liquid form is used by veterinary surgeons for anesthetizing cattle.
2·Ketamine is not approved for depression, and it has a checkered past in psychiatric research.
3·Ketamine - or Special K as it has been dubbed - ACTS as a stimulant and induces hallucinations.
克他命-或者绰号特别K -起到一种兴奋剂和诱导幻觉的作用。
4·Ketamine eis not approved for depression, and it has a checkered past in psychiatric research.
5·Objective To compare ketamine and halothane anesthesia for children undergoing little operation.
6·"Ketamine has the opposite effect and can oppose or reverse the effects of depression" for roughly seven days per dose.
7·Objective To Compare the success rate and complication of two percutaneous renal biopsies in children with ketamine and lidocaine anesthesia.
8·In 2000, a psychiatrist named Karl Jansen wrote a book, Ketamine: Dreams and Realities, in which he interviewed a number of recreational users.
9·In fact, ketamine has shown promise at reducing the risk of suicide and is currently being tested in humans for effectiveness in treating bipolar disorder and addiction.
10·So Duman and his colleagues gave a small amount of ketamine (10 milligrams per kilogram of body weight) to rats and watched the drug literally transform the animals' brains.
Duman 和同事们给小鼠服用很小剂量的克他命(相当于每千克体重剂量为10毫克),然后观测到药品确实是使大脑发生了改变。