1·The invention also discloses method for configuring ID code of chip.
2·For the sake of easy reference, a code is to be assigned to the collateral, like everybody has his own ID code.
3·The thief can't use the mobile without the secret ID code and Simon can get a replacement SIM card with his money on it.
4·First, we check the request ID code; if it does not match the request code we were given earlier, the event must be a response to another plug-in's request, and so we ignore it.
5·Running this code, you can then retrieve the document ID and get back the response in Listing 8.
6·Most commonly, this ID is "-1," which should be accounted for in your folder retrieval code.
在最常见的情况下,这个ID是“- 1”,应该在文件夹检索代码中考虑到这一点。
7·To be safe, namespace all ID attributes, even though doing this can make your code difficult to read, as you can see in Listing 5.
8·For example, the key could be a unique user ID, a stock symbol or, in our case, a zip (postal) code.
9·After you get your subscription ID, replace it in the code in Listing 2.
10·Listing 3 shows the code snippet getting the event handler by a process instance ID.