1·"I was serving great," the beaming Croat said.
2·A Croat heads a new Balkan regional group based in Sarajevo.
3·Even more worrying is the troubled Bosniak-Croat federation.
4·Mr Raguz replies that, since 1995, Bosnian-Croat influence has been steadily whittled away by the Bosniaks.
5·I couldn't tell whether they were Bosnian, Croat or Serb - but I was sure they would all have their own tales to tell.
6·After securing a 9-8 lead, he just had to press the Croat one last time and a long forehand sealed the win for the American.
7·I asked a Croat who embarked in central Bosnia why he was travelling by train rather than bus, hoping he might have something interesting to say.
8·On the one side is the Serb-dominated Republika Srpksa (RS), and on the other the Croat-Bosniak federation, which is in turn subdivided into ten cantons.
9·Wenger has been reluctant to sign anyone over the age of 26 since Croat striker Davor Suker flopped at Arsenal and City boss Eriksson is pursuing the same policy.
10·The House of Peoples includes 15 delegates, two-thirds of which come from the Federation (5 Croat and 5 Bosniaks) and one-third from the Republika Srpska (5 Serbs).
人民议院包括15个代表,三分之二来自于联邦(5个克罗地亚人和5个波斯尼亚人)三分之一来自于Republika Srpska(5个塞尔维亚人)。