C section



1·This content fragment is used when listing the last few announcements in the right sidebar on every page, as shown in Figure 4 section c, and Figure 5 section c.


2·Fluid had gathered around her C-section and her blood pressure was very low.


3·The report disclosed that three women victims had "numerous shrapnel wounds … One was pregnant and an emergency C-section was performed but the baby died".


4·A preliminary study at Imperial College London, involving 62 babies has revealed that those delivered by c-section have higher levels of fat in their livers than those born naturally.


5·Section C illustrates GC activity when utilization is near the target utilization.

C 段表示利用率接近目标利用率时的 GC 活动。

6·Unless labor is cut short (or eliminated) by a C-section, all women go through the labor stage, which includes early labor, active labor, and transitional labor.


7·While there are no data on how often C-section timings are decided by astrology, the number of caesarean deliveries has surged in India.


8·In Latin America, C-section rates in all eight countries surveyed earlier by WHO were 30 percent or higher - similar to the U.S. rate.


9·One of the pages of the book had a list of the names of the 183 defenders of the Alamo, and in the "C" section was the name, Daniel Cloud!


10·I later learned that it's an old obstetric trick to threaten the mother of twins with a C-section in order to get her to push out the second baby, but Dr. Gold insisted he wasn't playing that game.


更新时间:2025-03-27 21:37