We stayed in room 959 which enjoys a wonderful view of the water.
Tsinghua University alone enrolled 1, 959 foreign students on long-term courses in 2010.
He picked this animal because its body has a mere 959 cells, of which 302 are nerve cells.
Well, let's hope we all have that Porsche 959 engine in ourselves. That engine, I think, is our heart.
5·这本书按时间顺序叙述了中国历史上从战国到五代(公元前403 - 959 CE认证)。
The book chronologically narrates the history of China from the Warring States to the Five Dynasties (403 BC-959 CE).
In a small worm, say the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, there are 959 cells, making it the ideal model to solve this problem.
7·巴基斯坦东北部一城市,位于拉合尔市西北偏北。7 ' 5年锡克人开始在这里居住,959至970年为巴基斯坦内陆首都。人口452,000。
A city of northeast Pakistan north-northwest of Lahore. Settled by Sikhs in 7 '5, it was interim capital of Pakistan from 959 to 970. Population, 452,000.