The researchers, led by Daniel Eisenberg of the University of Michigan, then tracked the health behaviors of the 775 male and 867 female participants.
Usiug the cellulase "EA_3-867" prepared according to the method of the plant Physiology Institute of China, a large amount of vital and intact protoplasts are isolated from the Tobacco variety.
3·采用PCR-RFLP技术检测了大约克、长白、杜洛克、宁乡、沙子岭和大围子6个品种共867头猪的E.coli F18受体(ECF18R)基因座的遗传变异。
The genetic variation of E. coli F18 receptor (ECF18R) loci in 867 pigs including Large Yorkshire, Landrace, Duroc, Ningxiang pig, Shaziling pig and Daweizi pig was detected by PCR-RFLP with Hin6 I.